Alright, so after much deliberation and research to find out just how much green fluid I would be draining (19 quarts?! Really?) I started loosening hose clamps. I opted for the lower hose where it connects to the block for 2 reasons: 1. The drain cock on the radiator was siezed, and 2. Gravity. So I loosened it up and tried, in vain I might add, to work around the drive belts to loosen the hose. After about 30 minutes trying to work the hose free, i decided to pry it off. Working a screwdriver down in there was tough, but finally I got a steady stream. 10 quarts or so later, the flow ebbed and I realized that gravity only does so much.
Well, at least the radiator was clear for the most part as well as part of the block but I knew there was more in there. All my attempts to remove the hose were useless, and since I'm going to replace them anyway, utility knived that piece until about 5 more quarts spilled out.
As you know, the point of this was to pull the heater core. So at this point i figured most of the coolant would be away from the core by now, so i loosened the hose clamps and pulled them off. Not too much coolant there, just what was still in the core itself, and...success. The core and the bulk of the plenum popped right out.
Stay tuned for pictures. It was an interesting process for sure.
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